Getting Started
This document is for updating OpenPNE 3.1.x to OpenPNE 3.1.y.
This document is for OpenPNE 3.1 so the way for other version may be changed.
You should backup database before your updating.
The updating plan is the following:
- Setting files
- Update the configuration file
- Execute the updating command
The Way to Work
Setting Files
Set the OpenPNE 3.1 files to your web server.
You must change the files from the old to avoid troubles by mixing the new with the old.
Update the configuration file
Copy config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.sample to config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.
If you write your original configuration to your old config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php, you should change the new file.
And copy the old config/database.yml to new config/database.yml.
Copy the Plugin Directory
Copy the contents in old plugins.
$ cp -aur /path/to/old/OpenPNE3/plugins/* /path/to/new/OpenPNE3/plugins
Re-build Models
Execute the following command in the project root directory.
$ ./symfony doctrine:build-model $ ./symfony cc
Execute the Updating Command
Execute the following command in the project root directory.
$ ./symfony openpne:migrate
This command will update OpenPNE and plugins to newer version.
Now, updating has been done.